Old School Hero
These wheels are in really nice shape considering their age. They were built by bike pro in 1993. The nipple choice of the rear wheel is a little weird, but if you can get over that, they are very cool. Straight as an arrow. I believe they have been looked at recently since 2 spokes and nipples have been changed out on the rear wheel.
The rims are in great shape and the bearings in the hub look brand new. Foam bearing protectors were used the entire life of this wheel set so far. You could rebuild these wheels (rear nipples) to match a current project or run them as is. They are in great shape. Drilled for both tube types.
$150 and I'll pay for half of shipping. If I don't get any bites I'll begin to lower the price in a day or 2. Thanks for looking.
The rims are in great shape and the bearings in the hub look brand new. Foam bearing protectors were used the entire life of this wheel set so far. You could rebuild these wheels (rear nipples) to match a current project or run them as is. They are in great shape. Drilled for both tube types.
$150 and I'll pay for half of shipping. If I don't get any bites I'll begin to lower the price in a day or 2. Thanks for looking.