Blackmount-GlenEtive 2010 Official Aftermath Thread

Thats a piece of art thats is. The subject in the foreground raises the bile straight up to the top of the oesophagus whilst the lycra in the background gives you a slap on the back to get it all out. Methinks someone should contact the Tate.

That barsteward gazz! ee's got a bloody tongue like a cat :LOL:
Gaz said he was only going to kiss it better :) it was very painful but quickly fixed with the elastoplast.

As you can see my body is a temple.

Done some mod work to seperate this off into it's own thread, hope it works and that you don't mind. post all new stuff here - who was doing the official write up? (I know it wasn't me!)
Some great scenery pics. :D got any from the bothy?
Of drunken antics :LOL: Or were you all in kip for 9pm