Bit of help


Retrobike Rider
I'm trying to get a photo of the signage above the parking ticket machine and a couple of pics of the markings/lack of on the car park at Hope , (the one we parked in on the peaks ride) does anyone live close enough to take some for me and save me the 3 hour round trip ?
Your title won't flag up what you're after.

"Parking b&astards got me at peaks ride please help?" Or similar would do it. :LOL:

I won , quoted chapter and verse on their parking regulations, car park marking and the fact that 2 other vehicles parked in a similar fashion didn't get tickets , believe me it's boring trawling through government parking regs , google pics helped for the photos but got rather technical quoting all sorts of references in the parking regs and management documents , would have been a lot easier if they had just admitted in the first informal appeal as I basically said the same as the formal appeal but with a lot more shit wrapping it up .