Bit bored of my bikes ending up very similar

Maybe build an 80's mtb / atb as something a little different
I’ve other years bikes ticked off from 93-2000 but it’s more the issue with build kits for my favourite years. No interest in bikes I didn’t crave at the time
sounds tricky, sounds like you may have done 96-98 to death and have run out of options. Do you build your own wheels for your bikes? That could be a way of changing things a bit.
I know your pain, m95x is top of the tree even when you pay more for CNC or other options, it's never as good.

I tend to add a bit of personality through other components like brakes, cranks, hubs/wheels and saddles.

That said, may I present the retromod option.

I've never been one to care much about period parts, if I like the frame I'll build it how I like it. If you are bored of m95x, why not try m970? SRAM X0? Both are evolutions of the 9 speed gearing and imho, mighty fine options. You retain the spirit of 9 speed but with modern improvements. XT and X9 are also good options, 9sp slx too a d not straying too far from the top tier. SRAM 9.0 was also good and top of the SRAM tree befor X0.
Not judging, but do you build to ride or to collect? If it’s to ride then just give something different a go. A build isn’t set in stone, you can always change it in the future. Old frame with 1x11. Can get 1x rings for Middleburn RS7s.
Not judging, but do you build to ride or to collect? If it’s to ride then just give something different a go. A build isn’t set in stone, you can always change it in the future. Old frame with 1x11. Can get 1x rings for Middleburn RS7s.
To collect. I ride modern.

It’s not to say they don’t get used but nothing significant
How about a non boutique retro mountain bike to ride regularly in place of a modern bike?

I’ve no issue riding the decent stuff apart from winter.

They aren’t ridden purely because modern stuff is just so much better in every way to ride. But I love building and looking at the 90s stuff but never grab one over a new bike for any given job