Bilt Hamber Surfex vs Years of crud


GT Fan
You know that box in the shed/garage??? Yeah? You know, the one with that job you can’t face to do! IMG_1676.jpeg

Well that box did contain an xt rear mech that was being run alongside this cassette.


I’m not an expert but I suspect the previous owner was feeding the drivetrain with 3in1 oil (or something similar). There’s specks of oil all over the rear wheel.


Plus no discernible attempts to remove the crud that had built up over the years. That xt mech was very much in the “sod it, not today” box on the shelf… As for this cassette, it won’t go in a box so it’s been annoying me every time I see it. I want to use this wheelset on my Alpinestars CroMega.

I recently bought 5l of bilt hambers surfex hd degreaser, so I had the idea of testing the water so to speak.

A dip in the tub for around 30mins, then some scrubbing with a soft toothbrush resulted in this (some fettling in between which included dismantling the m565 hub and regreasing). You’re supposed to dilute surfex for less taxing jobs. I’m pleased with the results nonetheless.
Local bias here but bilt hamber really do some top notch cleaning kit.

As for the mech it turned out great and I even dipped the hex keys too in the grimey gloop.
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Blimey, they turned out nice and shiny. I used a citrus degreaser I bought ages ago for similar jobs and it was fairly hard work but similar results. I don't have anything that dirty anymore but hopefully remember this stuff when an inevitable time comes again.