Bikes being targeted by mobile apps.


Senior Retro Guru
I read the following and found it quite disturbing to be honest. A plastic bike is replaceable to some degree, I wouldn't say the same for some of this forum's retro collection. Wouldn't wish to hear of anyone falling foul of this so I thought i'd share. Just a heads up that the cunning thief is now using your mobile phone apps to target your bike. ... -1-6646059

strava now doesn't show your first/last 1/2 mile on the map if i remember correctly, the idea being that even if you publish your route it won't show where you live, that said i tend to start the app just down the road from home anyway. also i don't list what bikes i have on strava itself. this is sort of not new though, it always comes down to how much info you share, not just on strava but facebook, i post alot of my strava rides on facebook but my profile is set as private as possible so only friends see it, i was searching someone out a while ago and when i found them i noticed that i could see their entire profile prior to sending a friend request, that to me is stupid as your entire facebook life is on view to the entire public.

In the old days we used to lock our bikes up - now when we go on club runs not one of us uses a bike lock - although to be fair I now live in New Zealand where bike thefts are much less common but still that is 30 or so bikes at probably an average of $8000 each sat outside the coffee shop in full view. Another thing - maybe attitudes have changed as to what your bike means to you ,these bikes are also heavily insured and if their bike was to go missing it's no big deal as you go and get another from the insurance - this years latest model..Your excess will be $500 ish for a secured bike and $1500 ish if it was un-secured..

It's just another tool along with Google/bing satellite views to aid getting in and away. Then for the few hundred quid they would get for them it seem a lot of effort.

Or they could just walk around, look for telltale signs like bikes and people riding the.
Have now set up the privacy zone on Strava having read this. Haven't been on there for long (previously using RunKeeper but Strava definitely better) and still getting used to it and didn't realise logging in on a PC gave access to much more than on iPad.