Bikes and Bridges

Aspect ratios might be a bit fucked, still clunking around with this new phone. Sunderland's Queen Alexandra bridge followed by the Northern Spire, and as a bonus a photo of the Cretehawser concrete boat.

And all i can offer is this ! :(

I'm pretty sure some of your previous contributions to this thread will trump anything I'll ever post in future, but to me threads like this whether it be bridges, bunkers or any other subject matter are less about the subject and more about the fact you've got out there, had a ride and documented something you think other forum members may enjoy, or even provide the motivation to get out there when you're not feeling 100% - I've definitely routed rides to grab pictures for threads here haha. Not sure how the weather is further down south at the mo but if it's anything like up North has been then knowing other likeminded members are getting out and taking advantage of the last scraps of summer is infinitely better than any bridge picture :)