Topeak bike stand
Bought off a forum member in the summer.
l used it to adjust the gears on one bike but l have decided l want one that clamps the seat post instead.
lt is missing the velcro straps to hold the bike in place, l just used a roof rack strap which worked fine.
Very sturdy and well made and very adjustable, it also folds up quite small into a carry bag.
These are well over £100.00 new.
Asking what l paid for it £65.00 delivered to your door pp gift please
Bought off a forum member in the summer.
l used it to adjust the gears on one bike but l have decided l want one that clamps the seat post instead.
lt is missing the velcro straps to hold the bike in place, l just used a roof rack strap which worked fine.
Very sturdy and well made and very adjustable, it also folds up quite small into a carry bag.
These are well over £100.00 new.
Asking what l paid for it £65.00 delivered to your door pp gift please