Bike of The Year 2010

Bike of The Year 2010

  • January 2010 - Heathy's 1989 Saracen Kili Flyer

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • February 2010 - Oneschnark's Ibis SS

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • March 2010 - Jerky's Pace RC500 F1

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • April 2010 - Sinnet177's 1991 Alpinestars Ti-Mega EOS

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • May 2010 - Nutallabrot's Manitou FS

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • June 2010 - Stefan9113's Boulder Defiant t

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • July 2010 - LeGrandeFromage’s 1989 Overbury’s Pioneer

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • August 2010 - Raucherkette's 1993 Mountain Goat Whiskeytown Racer

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • September 2010 - Shamus’ Klein Trilogy

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • October 2010 - Wtb_Rider's Funk Pro Comp

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • November 2010 - Brad’s Specialized Epic Ultimate

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • December 2010 - rojo's Kona Sex One

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
The funk for me. The alpinestar has a great story behind it, but the welds are sloppy, which reminds me that its a Alpinestar.
Marks Ti-Mega for me although I'll admit I'm biased as I've seen it on many occasions since he got it. That seat tube and those monster forks 8)
Plus it gets spanked regularly in all conditions.

Close second/third/fourth for me were the Mountain Goat/Brads Specialized Ultimate/Funk. Congrats go to all the BOTM winners though, all great bikes.
I think I might need more than one vote - Jerky's pace is an all time favourite of mine though so it narrowly beats LGF's Overbury's and the Funk
Hmmm, it was a tough year with many entrants and many votes. John, was this the most cumulative votes for an entire year, as far as total votes cast?

I've narrowed down my selection to the following with one reason besides each:
February 2010 - Oneschnark's Ibis SS classic

August 2010 - Raucherkette's 1993 Mountain Goat Whiskeytown Racer it beat my 84 that month; should tip my hat

September 2010 - Shamus’ Klein Trilogy sometime I'm in this kind of mood- love all the colors and style

October 2010 - Wtb_Rider's Funk Pro Comp sweet and clean

it'll be a tough choice; perhaps I'll wait till next week.
Ibis is a hidden gem to me. Clean build, unusual and rare Mavic groupset. Had strong competition in BOTM so I've choosen another bike but this time he get my vote.
Difficult to split the Ibis and Goat, but where'd all the love for Rojo's Kona go to?
A difficult one this
Lot of nice bikes
Photoed well too
I feel it will be close
Not an easy one to judge
Especially as i'd give shed space to any of them

some STAR bikes there

MadCowKev":6q6ravel said:
Difficult to split the Ibis and Goat, but where'd all the love for Rojo's Kona go to?

He got his free subscription, so all those new guys have quit the board. :shock: Not that I'm bitter or anything. :lol: :wink:

I voted for the Ibis SS. With or without the swanky Mavic bits, it is the real deal. Boulder Ti second place.

A few thoughts on the BOTY comments so far...

- Somebody said that the Overburys looked like a Rocky Mountain and it was ahead of its time... If that were the case, then shouldn't it be older than the Rocky Mountains that it looks like?

- The fads that rip thru the waters of Retrobike are insane. Kleins were all the shizzle, then estays no matter how ill concieved, and then everything Kona, then Marin, KHS, then Alpinestars. This is a crazy place the way the winds of favor blow.

I'll say one thing...the way trends run so hot on this board, you could make some serious dough if you picked some obscure spec brand and bought up about 15 examples of it, then built your flagship, posted pics and pumped the hell out of it online. Then with the price right and inflated, you dump your truckload of Kona Fire Mountains on the Retrobike masses for a healthy profit...

...not that I'd ever advocate such behavior... :shock: :lol: Please watch for my completed Yokota build in the near future...followed by about 12 beat Terminators and El Caps in the For Sale section. :P