Bike of The Year 2010

Bike of The Year 2010

  • January 2010 - Heathy's 1989 Saracen Kili Flyer

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • February 2010 - Oneschnark's Ibis SS

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • March 2010 - Jerky's Pace RC500 F1

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • April 2010 - Sinnet177's 1991 Alpinestars Ti-Mega EOS

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • May 2010 - Nutallabrot's Manitou FS

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • June 2010 - Stefan9113's Boulder Defiant t

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • July 2010 - LeGrandeFromage’s 1989 Overbury’s Pioneer

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • August 2010 - Raucherkette's 1993 Mountain Goat Whiskeytown Racer

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • September 2010 - Shamus’ Klein Trilogy

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • October 2010 - Wtb_Rider's Funk Pro Comp

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • November 2010 - Brad’s Specialized Epic Ultimate

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • December 2010 - rojo's Kona Sex One

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
heres mine at the beach

So, the official result is as follows

1st - April 2010 - Sinnet177's 1991 Alpinestars Ti-Mega EOS 16% [ 58 ]

2nd - October 2010 - Wtb_Rider's Funk Pro Comp 13% [ 47 ]

3rd - July 2010 - LeGrandeFromage’s 1989 Overbury’s Pioneer 12% [ 44 ]

4th - August 2010 - Raucherkette's 1993 Mountain Goat Whiskeytown Racer 10% [ 39 ]

5th - November 2010 - Brad’s Specialized Epic Ultimate 8% [ 29 ]

6th = - March 2010 - Jerky's Pace RC500 F1 7% [ 28 ]

6th = - June 2010 - Stefan9113's Boulder Defiant ti 7% [ 28 ]

8th = - May 2010 - Nutallabrot's Manitou FS 6% [ 25 ]

8th = - September 2010 - Shamus’ Klein Trilogy 6% [ 25 ]

10th - December 2010 - rojo's Kona Sex One 4% [ 15 ]

11th - February 2010 - Oneschnark's Ibis SS 3% [ 12 ]

12th - January 2010 - Heathy's 1989 Saracen Kili Flyer 2% [ 8 ]

Thanks for all the votes people! This BoTY seems to have covered a wide selection of beasties and as the modern entry in the group it was always going to be a tough ask for votes, but to be honest, it was nice to be considered and I am very happy to have received the votes it did.
Many thanks for all the votes, can't believe my 'dream bike' is deemed worthy of being BoTY especially considering the competition it faced. Special mention to LGF's Overbury's which is both ahead of its time and stunning, and also to Jerky's Pace RC-500 which is an icon of British downhilling.

Each year the standard of both BoTM and BoTY seems to increase and to win becomes harder and harder, this year has seen some great battles for the titles and long may that continue in 2011.
I was more than a bit surprised to actually win BotM let alone come 3rd in BoTY - I never expected anything like this back in November 2007 when I joined.

Thanks to sinnett177 for the competition!

Thank you to all who voted.
Well done to everybody.
Such a great selection of bikes to choose from, but certainly a worthy winner from Sinnett177. Immaculate bike that get's ridden too and beyond it's rider's limits.