The bikes I really love this year (in order of the month) :
- the C26. Perhaps, as said Elev12K, it's not really a retrobike, but the story of the bike was amazing
- the Pace. Neon color power !
- the Manitou : I have always love this bike
- the Grove. I would prefer a steel Grove, but titanium is not bad.
But, my choice is going to the C26. I don't really vote for the bike, but for the dream, the myth it's giving to us.
- the C26. Perhaps, as said Elev12K, it's not really a retrobike, but the story of the bike was amazing
- the Pace. Neon color power !
- the Manitou : I have always love this bike
- the Grove. I would prefer a steel Grove, but titanium is not bad.
But, my choice is going to the C26. I don't really vote for the bike, but for the dream, the myth it's giving to us.