BoTM Bike of the month February 2022 - fillet brazed special

Bike of The Month
My point exactly. Cunningham chose aluminium, not steel. He had an engineering background and his bikes reflect careful (but innovative) design. For example, the fork crown in the photo was his invention, along with the roller cam brake.

By comparison, any moron can add material and make it strong, but over-engineered with lots of unnecessary weight. Just take a look at a British Eagle Boss.
Have you owned a British Eagle Boss frame? It is just Taiwanese built generic 7005 but it does have one thing going for it - the are extremely light! And given their tubing was drawn correctly, they dont self destruct in sunlight

At least its not an Emmelle.... Sorry Ross! ROSS!!


And I cant really see anything silly with the Boss anyway, Tange Big Fork, big tubes, 1 1/4 headtube

quite benign and actually a bit dull if you take the big decals off

The beauty of it in my mind, is that it did everything it was supposed to, and more, without the engineering degree. You'd be surprised what ingenuity and grit were able to come up with..
Analogy to the car world. Chicken farmers make good race engineers.
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I love Ritcheys and was ready to vote for that one just simply based on the fact that it's a red, whit & blue Ritchey. Now with all the Streisand effect on the Cook Brothers bike I think I'm going that way. If it makes people upset, all the better for me. Then I can have a laugh at their expense too.
@LGF, I've never owned a Boss but ridden one a few times. Handling felt strange to me, it always seemed to want to go straight on at corners. Maybe too much trail or something. Horrid thing.