BoTM Bike of The Month April 2022 - nominations

Bike of The Month
The comment last month was, i felt, tongue in cheek and from a member renowned for a very particular bar with his builds.
I am admittedly not up to speed on the culture here, just a country cousin watchin' from a distance. I wouldn't know chips from cake or know Blue Peter if I met him. That's why I usually keep my comments to myself. However, last month, an entry was withdrawn due to the tire comment. I can't recall if they reentered it after the fracas was sorted out. One would feel that the builder has gotten the bike to what they view as a completed state, and the comments will not help in the voting process. Perhaps it is just me, but I feel the comments are more appropriate in the associated build thread.
I am admittedly not up to speed on the culture here, just a country cousin watchin' from a distance. I wouldn't know chips from cake or know Blue Peter if I met him. That's why I usually keep my comments to myself. However, last month, an entry was withdrawn due to the tire comment. I can't recall if they reentered it after the fracas was sorted out. One would feel that the builder has gotten the bike to what they view as a completed state, and the comments will not help in the voting process. Perhaps it is just me, but I feel the comments are more appropriate in the associated build thread.
It wasn’t re-entered
Hey, everyone has different tastes. I don’t think we need to make this “a thing”. The comment last month was, i felt, tongue in cheek and from a member renowned for a very particular bar with his builds.
and it was aimed at me, AS A JOKE!! because we've spoken about it a lot. I can't believe how much attention that comment got.

The point of the joke, was that my Yo... in my picture didn't win BOTM and he was winding me up about the tyres and lack of pedals. So we had a joke about it. We also spoke about the number of bottle cages, are people now going to worry that their bike has too many or too few bottle cages??
Wow, this escalated quickly!

; )

This place, along with George Saunders' Story Club, for any writers/readers out there, are literally the last two bastions of positivity on the entire internet!

I'm not sure as a "community" we need to be checking ourselves.

This place is a miracle! We should be proud of it.

A few jokes, or even the occasionally harsh critique, can be coped with by most, I feel.

It's a very small price to pay for all the help, support and advice anyway!

That said, I missed the tire comment. But I'm pretty sure non-period correct tires are the one thing we can all agree on being a totally fine. It's a reasonable concession if you're going to be riding the bloody things!

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