Decision time....the frame is need of a bit of tlc, its not in a bad way, just small niks and scratches...its been used..but i have decided to go back to bare and re polish to give it a new appearance.
The zero titanium bb is back in action, the only replacement was a steel un 55
the original bearings and shells were u/s so managed to find some Hope shells and bearings and with a bit of machining its back to its original light weight spec.
Wheels refurbished....cleaned etc new bearings, Tomahak stem was tatty black now polished raw. Found some tyres which are the same as I had it new..they are not black and tan!!!
Have got some new decals on order to distract from a possible dodgy in progress....see what happens.
Front shocks repaired back to original ready to go ...
Few more weeks to go yet....keep you posted