Big Dirty Weekender Aftermath Thread

Brilliant weekend and an epic ride on Saturday in the blazing sunshine-who said the weather is bad oop North!!? Ju and I were too knackered to do the Dalby run today but the grin muscles are still aching, along with all the others :LOL:
Really nice to meet people and put names to faces-the name tags really helped. Really sorry if I blanked anyone-you have to shout or talk directly to me as my hearing is rubbish :roll:
I agree with Ed-this should be an annual or bi-annual event.
Mucho thanks must go to Si for the idea and organisation and to Gil for setting things up, and of course to everyone who turned up with a really interesting and mixed groups of retrobikes.
I have[hopefully] attatched a couple of photos.
Did anyone work out the results from the timed sections; I would like to know how far behind everyone I was :LOL:


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Fantastic weekend memorable for many things but mainly great people, great bikes, great trails and great weather. Thanks to all who organised, led, turned up or contributed. Dr. S congratulations you pulled off a stunning event.
well here are the pics. I feel like I've been through a washing machine this morning I ache all over.


The venue - what a great place, and the camping field was ideal

The parts jumble - it seems everybody brought something

Tim (justbackdated)'s Pace fork line up

The ride - who could have predicted such glorious weather. The scenery was breathtaking and we even had other retro modes of transport lined up for our viewing pleasure including a Red Baron bi-plane and a steam train.

The bodges - a complete rebuilt of a rear hub - team effort all round, but main kudos to Giles (corduroyboy). On day two my carbon seatpost snapped and without being able to remove the broken bit the guys got some old inner tube and wrapped it around the top along with some marshall-tape to create at least a slightly softer promontory for my backside should I forget that I shouldn't be trying to sit down :shock:

The craic - proper festival feel to the camping field that night - BBQ, beer, music, banter way into the night. Some sore heads the next morning.

Retro spirit - all help with bodges, sharing kit, people driving over 5 hours from Glasgow to get there (Doobydoo) :shock:

I know there was much, much more, but I hurt too much to think right now!!

Due to some absences I need to announce the winners of the awards from the weekend:

Best Post 1992 bike - Corduroyboy's Fuquay
Best Pre 1992 bike - Dr S's 1938 Schwinn
Best Pace - Doobydoo's Pace
Working class hero - Sidewinder's Saracen e-stay (that later had it's rear wheel rebuilt :LOL: )
Shonky shed - well it had to be Andy_B's Orange Sub 5 at a retro weekend!!
People's choice best bike of the weekend - Sithlord's Ritchey
Best Bodge - Sidewinder's Saracen e-stay rear hub rebuild
Repack Challenge downhill award - Orange71 :oops:
Best crash - Orange71 :oops: :oops: :oops: :LOL:













Great pictures. The weather stayed good too. Love the steam train and the Klein loving insect :LOL:
:) Morning guys n girls .. :)

Big up to Si and Gil for all the hard work they put in to give us a fantastic ride and relaxed weekend.. :cool:

Although I have just spent best part of 5 hours in A & E getting checked out after the fall on the timed descents on sat .. :roll: ... results .. well ...1 broken rib, 2 fractured and a lot of pain :cry: :roll: so might be off the bike for a little while :twisted: :twisted: Ed.. I'll get ya next year :LOL: :LOL:

Hey dude.. ya know who ya are.. for the use of the shower. ;):) ...Much ..much appreciated.. (cant say who or there might be a riot :) )

Thanks Si for the use of the mug.. cant believe I left that at home.. .. ! :)

Big Up to M-Trax for nailing it up the hill on the escape route back to campsite.. WOW.. you came past me like I was stood still :shock: :LOL: :LOL:

Ed.. Still cant believe the size of your bikes :shock: :shock: :LOL: :LOL: hope the leg is better :) catch ya on the next one.. :) :) take it easy dude.. :)

Andy... when are ya going to get rid of the modern piece of tat and ride something more suitable young sir :LOL: :LOL: .. thanks for everything dude.. if you need bits then let me know.. ;) :)

Thanks to everyone for the 'people's choice' Cup... really appreciate that... :) hope your all recovering well.. and had a safe journey back.. see you next time around.. :)

I have a few pics I'll post up in a bit..

Ta ta for now.. :) ...
After much deliberation, I think only one word can sum up the weekend...

...quality :cool:

Top quality trails, beautiful bikes on show, great fun, beautiful (if a little too hot) weather,

Big thanks to Si & Gil & anyone who helped in any way (even just turning up counts!) to making it a top quality weekend

I will be fettling the pictures I took of the bikes pre ride & posting a link to them later as there are quite a few.

Hope you heal quickly Sith & Ed.

Oh did I say it was a quality weekend.....

I think that when the funds allow I will have to get a retro softtail or full susser, I don't think my back would cope with a hardtail or rigid bike anymore.

Anyone got an Orange sub 3 going spare :twisted:

Edit: Pics are here, not the best quality though as it was far too sunny!




Hi Guys and gals,
Hope you are all recovering well from our little adventure?

I'd just like to start with a huge thanks to all who came and thank you for your kind words on here and throughout the weekend. I would like to say this though- anyone can come up a hairbrained idea and organise an event but it is the people that take the time and effort to come that make it special. I doff my mud-stained hat to each and everyone of you. Saturday's ride was much much tougher than I expected with mechanicals, a relentless sun, punctures galore and 20+ pairs of tired legs- yet throughout everyone kept smiling and no one complained. Each and everyone out there was a superstar and showed real spirit. Thanks again!
Some fantastic looking bikes on display (and some great matching kit), some of my personal favourites were Sidewinder's DeKerf, Tims AMP and the amazing Funky PACE which made its debut (has someone got a pic?), Gile's Fuquay and The Guvnor's Overburys.
Special thanks to...
My partner in crime Gil_M. Thanks again for being Camp Commandeer, T-Shirts, guiding, first aiding and general good egg. Also thanks to Gil's good friends IanS and young Mark for letting us ride on their patch and again for getting everyone back home safe and sound.
To Orange Ed for being bloody well organized, Judging (not easy) and for smiling throughout even with broken bikes and a nasty injury.
To Mr and Mrs Justbackdated for the superb display of PACE goodies and the fork timeline. and also for guiding the tired and weary back to civilization.
Mark Sinnett for being time keeper on the Repack Challenge and for driving back up to Goathland to rescue Dave and his stricken Saracen.
Sidewinderfor the double dose of Paracetamol and Iboprofen that got me round day two.
The Fox and Rabbit Inn for superb hospitality, fine ales and the tastiest breakfasts ever. if you are ever passing call in- you won't be disapointed
And to The Guvnor for coming along and making it kinda official and for giving us all somewhere to play in the first place.

Sporting round up

Ed has already posted up the Concours results and here are the results of The Repack Downhill Challenge. Due to time getting on and some injuries several sections were scrubbed. Despite cartwheeling over the flying finish of section 2, Orange Ed took a well deserved victory. Some good runs were spoilt by various spills- Sithlord having a pinch flat on SS1 and a crash resulting in broken ribs on SS2.

1. Orange71- Fuquay - 3m 04s
2. Corduroyboy- PACE - 3m 14s
3. IanS - Klein Attitude - 3m 20s
4. Dr S - Wicked FAT CHANCE - 3m 43s
5. Gil_M - Ibis Bow-Ti - 3m 46s
6. BIBBY - PACE RC100 - 3m 54s
7. John - Klein Attitude - 4m 09s
8. Andy B - Orange 5 - 4m 10s
9. MisterMonkeyWrench - Marin Team Ti - 4m 29s
10. Andy N - 4m 50s
11. Cornholio - PACE - 4m 54s
12. Sidewinder - Saracen Killi - 5m 18s
13. Sithlord - Ritchey P20 - 5m 48s
14. DoobyDoo - PACE - 5m 56s
15. M-Trax - Dawes - 5m 57s
16. JustBackDated - AMP - 6m 51s
17. Mrs JBD - 6m 53s
18. RC200Ti - PACE 7m 13s

Due to our late return on Saturday evening and general knackerdness the planned trials event was scrubbed, but a big thanks to Sinnett for sorting it out- maybe next year buddy?

Pics and main ride mini reports to follow shortly.....

More of the same :LOL:


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Sithlord":dulztzzh said:
Although I have just spent best part of 5 hours in A & E getting checked out after the fall on the timed descents on sat .. :roll: ... results .. well ...1 broken rib, 2 fractured and a lot of pain :cry: :roll: so might be off the bike for a little while :twisted: :twisted: Ed.. I'll get ya next year :LOL: :LOL:

:shock: perhaps you should have got the best crash award - I guess mine was just more visible :LOL:

swift recovery mate...