Big babies

The water is a MASSIVE benefit to the pain. Missus never gave birth IN the bath, but she had a bath while in major labour. The pain disappeared instantly when in the bath, but came back as soon as the water had drained away.
greenstiles":1bydtky8 said:
ok cheers.....were going for a water birth if we can , only for the fact that some say it can help the pain.......
Is it your first?

If so, just a reality check - plenty have this idealised almost romanticised idea about modern types of births, that will help with pain, and make it a <something> experience. When it comes down to it, there's likely to be screaming and a manic, almost vampire-like, demon-ish creature demanding something for the pain.

In fairness, probably with real need.

Neither of mine were born needing epidurals, but pethidine jabs and gas and air went a good way towards making it just about bearable - and that was just for me.

edit: that gas and air is funky stuff. Makes your throat a bit dry though...
how do you know what gas and air does to ones throat ? didn't you let your wife have a go ;)

Yup 1st.......
greenstiles":1tfkrp1j said:
how do you know what gas and air does to ones throat ? didn't you let your wife have a go ;)
Yes 'course I did, I'm not an complete, total bastard you know - she just had to wait for me to take a hit, first...
greenstiles":1tfkrp1j said:
Yup 1st.......
My advice - get a good birthing plan written down. By all means, if you wanna go with new fangled, new age water, um, stuff - but plan for the worst - have your pain relief bases covered - and make sure you're firm at the time when you need to be - 'cos there's nothing worse than there no longer being an opportuinity for some kind of pain relief if you've been fobbed off, or not been assertive enough - and you have to be the lucid one for your missus, 'cos she'll have here hands full - and it can be a challenge trying to be clear-headed and assertive, once you've made sure you've sampled the pain meds first...
Sounds like sensible women really call their husbands/partners horrible names in child labour ? :(
greenstiles":2zxjk78t said:
Sounds like sensible women really call their husbands/partners horrible names in child labour ? :(
Mine didn't.

Maybe it was the drugs talking, mind - she could have said anything...
greenstiles":2th1bju8 said:
Sounds like sensible women really call their husbands/partners horrible names in child labour ? :(

Why change the habits of a lifetime? (OK, not a lifetime just feels like it!)

How long are you off yet?

Best wishes.
4 weeks, so special diet and blood testing only for a short period hopefully.

I felt sorry for the lady at the clinic who was only 18 weeks and had just eaten a whole bag of toffee's be sugar......