Bicycle registration

They cut through my Kryptonite locks like t'was butter..

There had been a spate of bike/motorbike thefts ever since the local fire station closed and relocated to new premises, during this transition, the fire service were running the day shift from the old (residential) premises and night shift from the new.. so as not to disturb the locals with the blue flashing lights and such.. anywho, when the old fire station was vacant peeps broke in but all they nicked was the cutting equipment and it's been passed between criminal gangs ever since so my locks never stood a chance.
And that would be some serious cutting equipment...

Thing with any sort of security tech is it becomes an arms race between locks and cutters. There will always be some new tool to cut or pry with, and that doesn't even address the problem of the locks just getting picked.

I got an Ongaurd Brute a while ago, with a 16mm+ thick U, for when I have to leave a bike overnight somewhere. That is thick enough that the frame and wheels aren't going anywhere, but everything else can just be unbolted if the thief really wants to...

But it was kind of embarrassing to carry this thing around, so I got a more modest one for everyday use. I realized that my lock didn't have to be the best, it just had to be better than the locks around it.

But after a certain point, nothing will stop someone with the right tools of skills...
Oh man.. as somebody's who's recently had bikes stolen, thoughts towards this^ guy being cool as f*ck certainly feel conflicting. :cool:
Oh man.. as somebody's who's recently had bikes stolen, thoughts towards this^ guy being cool as f*ck certainly feel conflicting. :cool:
I know what you mean. It is so cool but at the same time aaahh don't show people that stuff!
Put this way, I was once attacked by three people for my bike while cycling home along a canal and they threatened to drown me in said canal. In my experience if a thief wants your bike they are going to get it. It wasn't anything particularly special either - a fairly bog standard old cannondale.

Such stuff may help get your bike back, but that's it.
Years ago when I was younger and fitter three sheetbags tried to relieve me of £300 I'd just withdrawn from a cashpoint.

At 6'5" I was a bit of a unit, and with the bone haircut it was obvious to any thinking person that I was a squaddie, but still they tried.

One went to hospital with neck injuries, one ran off with facial injuries, and one was unharmed but nevertheless ran off anyway. I took a slap, but I'd had much worse before and since and wasn't hurt.

I don't care who they are or how many of their little mates they have with them, they ain't having it unless they ask really nicely.
They cut through my Kryptonite locks like t'was butter..

There had been a spate of bike/motorbike thefts ever since the local fire station closed and relocated to new premises, during this transition, the fire service were running the day shift from the old (residential) premises and night shift from the new.. so as not to disturb the locals with the blue flashing lights and such.. anywho, when the old fire station was vacant peeps broke in but all they nicked was the cutting equipment and it's been passed between criminal gangs ever since so my locks never stood a chance.
Ugh ... bad news when the bad guys tech-up. When I bought it, the Kryptonite lock was described as giving "moderate" protection - moderate to what, one asks ?!?! ...
Ugh ... bad news when the bad guys tech-up. When I bought it, the Kryptonite lock was described as giving "moderate" protection - moderate to what, one asks ?!?! ...
I do think the weak point on all these u locks/bike locks im general is the lock itself. The u can be super thick, the crossbar can be armored, but if the lock cylinder can be tapped open, forget it.

I have caught myself thinking this way, but so many people hesitate to spend 50 Euro on a lock to protect something worth 20x as much. And forget the parts and metal, factor in the effort, time, and sweat that went into it. The three seat posts you had to order to get the one that fit. All of this.

Thinking this way, spending 100 euro on a lock should be a no-brainer, and you would think that this would encourage lock manufacturers to make something really secure. But this doesn't seem to happen.
Did you let them have the bike

What do you think?

3 guys jumped out on me. One pushed me off the bike and ran off with it, while the other two spent 5 minutes kicking me in the head and back. It was only when they threatened to drown me in the canal that I grabbed one of them and made it clear they would be joining me in the canal if they tried it.

Everyone has a plan until they get punched in the face - and I did repeatedly. I'm still surprised to this day that I didn't lose consciousness. I looked like the elephant man for about 3 weeks afterwards. It was interesting getting the pitying looks that you imagine the disfigured must get in the check-out queues throughout their lives.

You are quite vulnerable riding a bike. If you imagine you can keep riding, and/or recover quickly enough to tackle those trying to steal it, after someone gives you a hefty sideways shove - well, you are a better rider/fighter than I am.
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Years ago when I was younger and fitter three sheetbags tried to relieve me of £300 I'd just withdrawn from a cashpoint.

At 6'5" I was a bit of a unit, and with the bone haircut it was obvious to any thinking person that I was a squaddie, but still they tried.

One went to hospital with neck injuries, one ran off with facial injuries, and one was unharmed but nevertheless ran off anyway. I took a slap, but I'd had much worse before and since and wasn't hurt.

I don't care who they are or how many of their little mates they have with them, they ain't having it unless they ask really nicely.

Issue with all this (if it’s true and not internet talk) is that you don’t know how desperate they are, and what they are carrying. Takes a split second to be stabbed. Is it Worth dying over £300?

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