Beware this Numpty in Lancaster

no, no offence meant Rich Aitch.
I was just referring to the unusually high amount of eccentrics we seem to have in the city. You have to bear in mind the Lunar connection - the city is of Roman origin LUNA-CASTRA, the river is named after the moon (LUNE) & that we once had not one, but two lunatic asylums in the town, it does,'t bear too well for its image. We have had 2 lunatic asylums(both closed) 2 prisons (1 closed down), 2 universities.

In defence of the city though, it is surrounded by countryside on 3 sides & coastal on the remainder via Morecambe, also very decent river estuary & canal towpath rides. There are some really decent riding trails around here, which I love. I just don't take any of my bikes anywhere near the city centre, many visitors would not know, especially as Lancaster is supposed to be a cycle demonstration town which should read as cycle friendly.

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