Best way to sell GT collection?


Looks like the best way is to sell one by one then, I' going on holiday on thurs so when I get back I'll advertise them. It's hard trying to work out a price for each bike, got to get it just right to get someone interested. Anyone know how to post pics on here, every time I try it says they are too big but I can't compress them. Any ideas? Cheers everyone.

Upload on and us the IMG link and they show on here. Easiest quickest way
I have seen the list of bikes the chap has, and some pictures.
It will be worth the wait I think :cool:
Re: Re:

stesnape":3leb4ui4 said:
Has anyone out there had any luck with bike jumbles or sales, any one been to the Broadbottom cycle jumble?

I don't think you'll sell them at a bike jumble. Older MTB's don't really sell unless they are very cheap.
I lived in Broadbottom for 7 years, I only went to the first jumble and it was very quiet. Unfortunately missed the second one so don't know what it was like.
If you want to email me pictures then I will resize and upload them if you like, email address is below.

Hi everyone, the interest has been a bit overwhelming, I was caught a bit on the back foot as I didn't think anyone would be interested and was only asking for advice, but I am selling them. As I've told some people I'm not great with the laptop so struggling with pics, I'm away for a week from thurs so I will have all pics and info up when I get back. To answer a few questions I've read sorry no titanium bikes and the earliest bikes are 94 RTS1, 93 RTS1, 93 RTS1, and a 96 LTS thermoplastic. Again, I can only apologise if it all seams dragged out as I was only thinking about selling at first, cheers for the help and interest though.
I'm behind whoever's in front of me in the thermoplastic queue
and thats just for starters