Best user names on here? And 1 you wish you'd had instead..?


Gold Trader
Kona Fan
Off work as I am with a bad back, and very VERY bored, I took a perusal of the user names that happened to be on line at the time and saw 'CunningTomato'. Now, come on, that's good! :LOL:

There are other favourites too but I can't quite remember them and they're probably not on line at the mo. What are your all time favourites, past or present....?

And while we're at it, is there a 'handle' you wished you'd chosen instead of the one you have? At the time of my joining up, I had a Orange Clockwork hence the name, obviously, but on reflection and subsequent bike ownership, I wish I'd chosen 'KonaKaz'.

Or 'TalksTooMuch'.
There is a 'Merlin Manson' on here which I found quite a clever one!

I also wish I'd chosen a different username. I signed up to buy a set of brake levers, and had no intention of staying so this was as good as anything to get registered. Two years later, the levers are long gone but username remains :roll:. Might request a change.
My Favourite ( well, that comes to mind ) is PoweredByPies.
And yeah that's the one I wish I had picked :)
The one I have was pretty much insisted upon by my then partner who was convinced that I should be the next Doctor Who ( Can't say I disagree, assuming the world is ready for the first tubby bald cycling Doctor ) and because I also make daleks as a sideline.

Pies are nearly as important as Doctor Who.
But the name is way better.
The user name i wanted you'll see on my Avatar " MuddyFox " but unfortunately it was in use by another member but i still haven't seen a post by the member who had already claimed it :? hence the reason i chose Muddy paw but if i could have my original choice then i'd be really happy because it relates to my 1st decent mountain that i had back in 1989 which was the MuddyFox Explorer and i just loved that yellow colour of the bike :cool: .

When i 1st joined on here it was because i wanted find out more info regarding my existing bike of the time which was a Pro Tech only to realise what i'd got was just a money pit so i'm
just glad i didn't choose Pro Tech as my user name :LOL: .

Hey Kaz i bet your really cheesed off by now with that bad back ? but hopefully you won't be suffering too long with ..

Defo wish we could change our usernames at will. It always facinates me why people choose some screen names :LOL:

I wish I had just called myself Daniel now. Mine made me laugh for about 12 seconds when I cooked it up, the joke soon wore off!
mine is just an old nickname. proves useful as its rarely used by others.
bit like my actual name, a very very rare surname means i can have my actual name as my email address without the '123456789' slapped on the end of it....:)

How easy is it to get changed?

Often contemplated it. Muz being a nickname at school, short for Murray. And 67 denoting my vintage.

Favourites? Iwasgoodonce! Class


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