Back in the 1960s, the GPO (later BT) brought out the Trimphone. One of its selling points was a luminous dial, containing tritium. The central stores, where thousands of them ended up being stored, were told to take radiation precautions, and they were soon withdrawn and the dials passed on to the UK Atomic Energy Authority for them to safely dispose of.Radium (Ra-226) or Promethium (Pm-147),n was used until the middle of the 90ties fur watch dials and avionics displays. Radium was (and still is) quite a fierce beta emitter with a half life of 12.3 years. But even full force on your wrist, you still only being irradiated with 1/100th of your yearly safe dose per year.
I've got one too, but have never really used it. Do you actually use yours as a toolkit on the road?These little Mafac toolkits were the bomb! Originally I think they were leather, then embossed plastic. Can still be had for cheap
I've used it once, not the best of gear, but functional!I've got one too, but have never really used it. Do you actually use yours as a toolkit on the road?