Best Saddle Ever!

Fair point, I never thought of that! I doubt the pros that these saddles stem from ever used an embroidered saddle in their life! I guess it's about this period that embossed handlebar tape and toe clip straps came into fashion.

A growth in branding in all sorts led manufacturers to initially look for surfaces they could advertise on, and then later to actually design components to have larger surface areas to act as a billboard.

Look at football or cricket shirts now compared to the 70s, even snooker!

Obviously the road cyclist wants to carry the team details easily discernible at speed and distance, but now...
"A word from our sponsors"
Flites are an instrument of torture for me. My No1 is the San Marco Regal, while the San Marco Bontrager is also great. Probably a Rolls would feel good too.
Brooks B17 narrow is a close runner-up, along with the C15. I thought I'd hate it but it fits nicely - currently it's on my folder as I expect it's a bit more rugged than a leather saddle.