Best road descent in the UK

1988_Ben":e47l4zuv said:
Descent past the Roaches, towards Leek, Staffs

I know that one well Ben I used to live in Leek and this road used to be on my return route after a Sunday ride out in the Derbyshire peak district after a nice 'warm up climb starting with Thorncliffe climb after not many miles!! Quite a few pros use the Roaches Leek to Buxton road as part of their training route including Ian Stannard. I remember my faithfull Cateye cordless recording 59 mph but have to say I wouldnt go any faster as one mistake and you would be scarred for life. You have to watch the crosswinds in the dip at the botttom. I remember thinking right how quick can I go .....then I thought yikes what happens if I fall off :shock: Only tried balls out the once and that was enough I dont have the guts !!! Dont think I would try it now on the Calfee with it being worth so much and riding on 20 year old tubulars
sisyphus":2r5nf7sx said:
The Horseshoe pass - Llangollen is a nice ride - up and down.

But watch out for the cattle grid!!!!!

Yes, I know this road very well indeed - I always dread the cattle grid.

I measured the Horseshoe Pass descent on Memory Map; it worked out at 4.04miles with 1177ft descent. This is almost exactly the same as the descent on the B4391 between Bala and Llangynog. However, the B4391 road does not have sharp bends such as those on the Horseshoe Pass, or the same amount of traffic . . . . . . . and no cattle grids.
lastpubrunner":3lwgi5uh said:
I measured the Horseshoe Pass descent on Memory Map; it worked out at 4.04miles with 1177ft descent. This is almost exactly the same as the descent on the B4391 between Bala and Llangynog.
In the same neighbourhood, this minor road from Vyrnwy to Bala is a fine ride in either direction, but very steep on the Vyrnwy side:

The pass just grazes the 500m contour. There are cattle (well, sheep) grids and wandering livestock to slow you down, but it's really too nice a job to rush.

By contrast, I'm told the circuit of Llyn Vyrnwy is the longest flat road in the UK...
one-eyed_jim":26583ks5 said:
lastpubrunner":26583ks5 said:
I measured the Horseshoe Pass descent on Memory Map; it worked out at 4.04miles with 1177ft descent. This is almost exactly the same as the descent on the B4391 between Bala and Llangynog.

By contrast, I'm told the circuit of Llyn Vyrnwy is the longest flat road in the UK...

That's very interesting - probably explains how I ran my PB for a Half Marathon on that course.

Do you live in the region ? I live in Trefonen, which ain't far away.
I went down Gunn hill, The Roaches nr Leek.

Don't know how fast, I was on a 13kg MTB with Twinrail tyres, slid in mud and hit the verge/a tree.

Next time I did it was on same MTB with knobblies, GPS said 37mph, I survived that time.

Maybe not the best hill, but fun all the same.
My records are 52 mph on the road (mountain bike with offroad tyres and a 50 -12 set up - I couldn't pedal faster) - centre of edinburgh, hill was about half a mile long but not too steep.

Offroad was 48 on a fire road at glentress before it was a proper trail centre, same bike both in the early 90's

Don't think I get much above 30 on my road bike - it's too scary :)
Fastest decent.

When I lived on Glossop Derbyshire, the decent down the Snake Pass was always a good one.
From the sign on the top, to the Glossop sign just at the bottom by the golf club was 3 miles, so we used to see how near to 3 minutes we could get. Usually around 8pm on a sunny evening it was possible as you could straight line all the bends as there was no traffic.
Bealach na Ba (Southern face)
Are you nuts ? Armco,sheep,very patchy almost breaking up tarmac, single track, holiday makers,
Iffy on my Africa Twin, Paris Daker jobbie. But on a skinny wheeled road bike OOCHA.