Best *real* Chris King headset source

And the threaded CK knock offs I saw used to be actually trying to replicate, unlike the current crop which is primarily generic aheadsets with a bit of flashy branding. I suppose it is a testament to the fact that CK is largely a fashion statement considering how great headsets, dear and cheap, are nowadays.

You'd imagine with the shitty treatment and underpaying of employees that Chris King could have lowered their RSP dramatically.
Can't get my head around people buying fake CK headsets. It hurts the industry and hurts our community. Justifying this by criticising CK's bottom line is even more laughable.
I'm not justifying anything. I'm not interested in telling people how to spend their money. I even made clear what he'd be getting. He asked and I responded. The fact that I think CK is unreasonably overpriced for what it is is another matter. And the fact that people are more interesting in the bling it provides, rather than the supposed extraordinary longevity/durability they provide is in my book a testament to that. My remark about their business practice wasn't a justification of any other far east business practice either, before we go down that rabbithole. But I believe that when one chooses to buy from reputable, small manufacturer, one recognises that the premium you're paying isn't merely skillful engineering or what not, but you're paying for quality service and hope that employees are fairly compensated for their work. I just wanted to outline that fallacy a bit regarding CK, and this is a fallacy within modern day high fashion as well.

I could care less if people buy a real CK or a knock off one. All the same to me.
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Don't know how it'd hurt "the Industry", I personally would never buy a real CK headset as they are far too expensive for what they bring.
I do like the look, people buying knock-offs will probably never buy the real thing for financial reasons.
I'm not - like Imlach said - going down any rabbithole discussion either but my g/f works for the biggest French designer company so I understand the Industry of knock offs. It's not like 99.9% of the people don't buy 9000,- euro skirts for a reason.

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