Best kids bikes - SOLVED pg 2

Islabikes FTW, second-hand if budget dictates - they seem to last. Pedals off and seat down works well if they're too big for a balance bike. Being able to all go for a ride is ace :)

Made my decision.

Bought a new CNOC 14 for the 4 yr old in a lovely blue colour.

I've also bought a Rothan for the youngest.

Plan is to take the pedals off the CNOC and see how eldest gets on.

If a failure, let her use the Rothan for a couple of months to get her confidence up.

Looked at Rothan second hand and they're going for just 20 quid off the full rrp so not worth it in my book.

Amazing, depreciation better than an Audi!

Thanks everyone for the inputs and help, one very happy daughter on Sunday.....

:cool: :D
Cool, glad you got it sorted and nice to see they hold their value - makes buying a new one easier to accept.
The Ken":2ixt6ats said:
Cool, glad you got it sorted and nice to see they hold their value - makes buying a new one easier to accept.

True, true

It does mean that I'm not in the market for a Benin if there's one flying around, so please plough in

Thought you'd all appreciate to see/hear the final chapter of the story.

Birthday day came. The CNOC was just too big for her, so i quickly dug out the Rothan from the cupboard and she's taken to it brilliantly. One chuffed dad... *click the pic to watch the movie*

She wants to ride it to school, wants to try going down hills on her own and simply every time we go out on it, her balance improves and she gets more confident. She'll be on the CNOC by christmas, little sister will get Rothan and it will be passed down to number three at some point (due April)

I've done a load of reading to get to this point so for anyone who wants an unbiased opinion, here's why the Islabike option is by far the best i've seen

- really light
- built with kids in mind (pedal sizes / restricted headsets / brake levers)
- great build quality / components
- great colours and looks to satisfy dad
- no tinsel or unnecessary plastic crap
- balance bike means no stabilisers next
- keep their value If looked after
- really light again
- great customer service / delivery

Did I mention the weight???? ;)

So, very happy. Hopefully sown a seed that will means lots of family rides.

Thanks to everyone who proffered an opinion. All welcomed.

We are on our fourth spread between two boys. Just also to add, the paint is really, really tough. So in spite of the rough treatment they inevitably get, they seem still to look OK.