Team America for me.
Not because it's the more beautifull paintjob, but for the reason that the first colors which are coming in my mind when I hear "Klein" is green-white -magenta.
When 20 years ago, I dreamed about Klein, it was an attitude with these colors, nothing else
These three colors are mythics : "Team America" was world champion with Cindy Devine
In second position : Sunburst, because I love neon colors, and I saw a Klein with this paintjob in reality : It's so bright !
This is cool .., but not KLEIN enough for me.. this looks like one of the STORCK team bikes BITD...maybe I should call it über-cool since STORCK is German..
I think Dolomite is really KLEIN, but I still like Strom, so Storm gets an other vote..
Obviously 'Team Storck' is a paintjob that was a limited edition to Markus Storck, a German Klein importer. This was not listed in the official catalogs but the same is the case with 'Black Pearl' for example.
I find this 'Team Storck' rather ugly with those clashing colours, especially when that purple is a metallic colour but green & pink are not.