Best classic tyre?

Clements Strada LLG look nice and classic, with a classic name to go with them. Good reviews too.
I now have two bikes with Spoons, (Carrera Vanquish road and a Charge Cooker 29er) very comfortable for me but I'd like to try a Turbo for the authentic 80's vibe. I did ask around about the Turbo and got positive responses in the main.
I think you'll be fine with the Classics to be honest. I use them for commuting because they don't pick up too much debris and therefore don't puncture too much.

I like the Michelins, suitably retro but seem to grip well and look good. My Team Corsa has been ace with them. Thanks for all the advice, might get something super-grippy for summer but the Dynamic Classic will be more than good enough anyway.