Bent fork steerer options?


Gold Trader
GT Fan
I have a fork with a slightly bent steerer.

What can I do?

Can it be straightened?

I've seen places that offer replacements, is this a better option?

It's a rs sid if that makes s difference?
I think it does make a difference as to whether it's a welded rigid fork or (as in your case) a suspension fork with the steerer pressed into the crown. I've seen a service here in Australia that claims to have the expertise and equipment to replace these -- different makes will have different ways of attaching the steerer (some Marzocchis and Paces are bolted in, I think), but it seems there may be a way to do it. And if there is, someone on here will know!
steel steerer, get it straghtened by a local engineerd with a fly press (or equivalent).
aluminium steerer, replace it.
got to ask though, how has it gotten bent and how are you checking it's bent?
When I was 18, I crashed my Suzuki T200 into the back of a truck at low speed but enough to bend both fork stanchions. My best friend worked at a local engineering company and had access to a large press that he used to straighten the forks. The bike was ridden without issue for many years after.

I was also curious as to how a fork steerer got bent.
When I was 18, I crashed my Suzuki T200 into the back of a truck at low speed but enough to bend both fork stanchions. My best friend worked at a local engineering company and had access to a large press that he used to straighten the forks. The bike was ridden without issue for many years after.

I was also curious as to how a fork steerer got bent.
zzr 250. replace "I crashed" with "little sister crashed". replace mate with me owning a fly press at the time. worked faultlessly until she hit a kerb trying to go round a corner faster than her ability and in the process snapped a mount off the fork leg. still got them, they are bullet straight, shame the rest of the bike went away after we yet again rebuilt it.
No idea how they became bent, bought them on a whim to see if I can resolve with either straightening or replacing the steerer, if not strip and keep the spares for other forks or buy a replacement csu.

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