Bent fork steerer options?

The steerer will be built to the same overall crash- resistance as the crown, and even the legs.
It's been there. it is now weaker.

As @Splatter Paint said:

Forks are cheaper than teeth.

Even if you have an NHS dentist.

A bent Sid is a broken piece of race- level kit and a good source of spares.
Cheaper parts bend back easier, because they are further from the design limits.

Plenty of individuals have effected this repair without further failure.

Loads of people have driven home drunk without crashing. 😉

Some riders hate riding with a compromised component, others don't care.
I'm not a fan of taking risks, hence looking at replacement options. A full csu might be the way forward, but equally happy with spares if I can't repair safely and economically.
I'm not a fan of taking risks, hence looking at replacement options. A full csu might be the way forward, but equally happy with spares if I can't repair safely and economically.
Forks also fail under impact at the top of the legs.
Maybe replace the legs too🤔
No idea how they became bent, bought them on a whim to see if I can resolve with either straightening or replacing the steerer, if not strip and keep the spares for other forks or buy a replacement csu.

If the steerer is aluminium I wouldn't be straightening it.

Pressing the steerer out and pressing a new one in is an option but a)do you have a suitable press? and b)I'd not **** about a dodgy far east "compatible" steerer, I'd want a gin-u-wine RS steerer and best of luck finding that.

I'd be looking a for a csu or a fork with damaged lowers that you could take the csu from.
Agree with all the above.

I don't have a press so would be done by someone skilled in the trade as a paid for service if I went the steerer route, obviously not one made from chinesium.

A full csu is probably the direction I'll go in as based on pricing of a decent steerer being pressed in, a donor csu will be potentially cheaper.

The steerer service mentioned above comes in at £147. The £100 quoted is for steerer only.