this legal?

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That is a bike built in the Lowestoft chav style. As many badly matched parts as you can nick from Halfords and threw them onto any old frame to give it bling. It must be valuable 'cos I spent loads on it.
John":t5dymh23 said:
Head angle looks all wrong on it.

The rear shock is probably too long for it's original design causing the middle to ride up like hell.
Depends what it's like when a hefty bloke is sat on it though, it might level out.
One positive: the owner can leave it outside a shop without locking it up, safe in the knowledge that it'll still be there when he gets back... :D
gibbleking":fa2o3uyc said:
fell out the ugly tree and hit every branch on the way down

I've never heard that figure of speach, but it's hilarious. I'm honestly sitting here at work and I can't stop laughing. I had to go to the bathroom in order to not make a fool of myself. That's all I have to say, except maybe how I love the 1,300 dollar pricetag on the bike.