Old School Grand Master
Klien Owners
would you help to save a life?
Just £3 a month can rescue these lovely bikes from the hands of abusers
Your £3 a month will go towards rescuing and returning these once beautiful creatures back to thier natural condition and to live the life they should rightly have
Would you give to save others?
At Klein International Lifesavers Taskforce ..................... K.I.L.T.
we want you, Klein lovers to band together and put a smile back on an abused Klein
Your £3 a month will save these important parts of out natural history
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No Klein was harmed in the production of this advert
would you help to save a life?
Just £3 a month can rescue these lovely bikes from the hands of abusers
Your £3 a month will go towards rescuing and returning these once beautiful creatures back to thier natural condition and to live the life they should rightly have
Would you give to save others?
At Klein International Lifesavers Taskforce ..................... K.I.L.T.
we want you, Klein lovers to band together and put a smile back on an abused Klein
Your £3 a month will save these important parts of out natural history
Share the love
No Klein was harmed in the production of this advert