BE QUICK (roberts)

Re: Re:

Minifreak":gqqw6l8j said:
retrobikeguy":gqqw6l8j said:
Dang, tough pill fella, I assume he was wanting substantially more than you were willing to offer. Real shame, was hoping to see some more pictures of that lovely looking beasties as the only picture in the listing really does it no justice!

The guy was going to honour the deal as his mistake but I just couldn't do it to him, I did ask what he would take by got no reply.

Hope someone gets it for what they and the seller are happy with :)

I still think you should persevere, push him ask him maybe he'll do you a deal ;)
The History Man":1ripgpdg said:
Minifreak":1ripgpdg said:
Did the honourable thing and the gents resisted the bike, hope someone here gets it.


/\ /\ /\ /\

What he said. Fair play :)
Re: Re:

Minifreak":tv6ogqv4 said:
retrobikeguy":tv6ogqv4 said:
Dang, tough pill fella, I assume he was wanting substantially more than you were willing to offer. Real shame, was hoping to see some more pictures of that lovely looking beasties as the only picture in the listing really does it no justice!

The guy was going to honour the deal as his mistake but I just couldn't do it to him, I did ask what he would take by got no reply.

Hope someone gets it for what they and the seller are happy with :)

That's beyond decent.

The guy has a feedback score of 141, and clearly puts up restrictive "terms and conditions" on his listings, so he's hardly an eBay newbie making a wet behind the ears error out of inexperience. What's annoyed me more, is that an eBay search that I have running made me aware of this auction - but you beat me to the BIN punch! Fack!

The fact that he declined to do the decent thing and negotiate a price with you, given you were doing something you didn't need to do, doesn't impress me at all. I can't see any reason why you should have denied yourself a rare uber bargain. You'll be kicking yourself in a few months time... :facepalm:
Re: Re:

rjsdavis":1y83hl79 said:
Minifreak":1y83hl79 said:
retrobikeguy":1y83hl79 said:
Dang, tough pill fella, I assume he was wanting substantially more than you were willing to offer. Real shame, was hoping to see some more pictures of that lovely looking beasties as the only picture in the listing really does it no justice!

The guy was going to honour the deal as his mistake but I just couldn't do it to him, I did ask what he would take by got no reply.

Hope someone gets it for what they and the seller are happy with :)

That's beyond decent.

The guy has a feedback score of 141, and clearly puts up restrictive "terms and conditions" on his listings, so he's hardly an eBay newbie making a wet behind the ears error out of inexperience. What's annoyed me more, is that an eBay search that I have running made me aware of this auction - but you beat me to the BIN punch! Fack!

The fact that he declined to do the decent thing and negotiate a price with you, given you were doing something you didn't need to do, doesn't impress me at all. I can't see any reason why you should have denied yourself a rare uber bargain. You'll be kicking yourself in a few months time... :facepalm:

I agree with everything you say and believe me I didn't sleep well that night, tossed and turned over what to do.

I think what happened in retrospect is that the guy received a lot of eBay messages after I'd hit the buy it now button telling him how much more it should have sold for. My devil said pick it up but the little angel won :(
The History Man":1mqf30at said:
Something will come along to repay you for that.

You never know. Any one got a D.O.G.S.B.O.L.X going at £150 I can have instead :LOL:
I think that's the last bike I'd actually like to complete my keepers.
Minifreak":1ebec0uc said:
The History Man":1ebec0uc said:
Something will come along to repay you for that.

You never know. Any one got a D.O.G.S.B.O.L.X going at £150 I can have instead :LOL:
I think that's the last bike I'd actually like to complete my keepers.

I actually had a Roberts that I picked up in a Met Police auction back in the early 90's, and had it resprayed by Roberts themselves.

I was about 16/17 when I found and owned it, and can't now particularly remember the circumstances or reasons in which I sold it. What a horrible error....
Better the Devil you know or listen too in this case. You did the decent thing so feel free to march on the moral high ground.