BBC4 Tuesday 27th July...

Can't believe Joe stacked that series One Breezer.
One of the most valuable mountain bikes in the world?

CK and Joe were cool, their enthusiasm is so damn infectious.
Excellent program. Rob Penn is a hero. CK & JB came over very well. Shame some of the companies, Campag especially, that were too tight to show how/ where their stuff is made.
Just recorded it and going to watch Death On The Mountain when my daughter decides she is going to go to bed :roll:
Rob Penn

Thought he ended up with a bit of a hotch potch of a bike though. (But don't we all!) And when someone's as enthusiastic as he was about some great kit (Brooks Team Professional hooray!) wearing a retrobike T shirt I'm not going to carp. I think the American wheels and headset just gave him an excuse to meet the Marin county pioneers and good luck to him too. I expect you all know the DVD Klunkerz? Boy, those chaps can talk, but still have the enthusiasm of 15 yr olds. Great stuff.

There's a book version of Rob Penn's programme which, unlike Jane Eastoe's dreadful book version of the truly boring Clare Balding's TV series, is just as good as the TV programme. "It's all about the bike: the pursuit of happiness on two wheels."
i didnt see it all but did worry the wife when i spotted the thumbie t from just the top part of it.

j.b and c.k are awesome. i am so pleased we live here today. i think it is amazing that the father's of our sport are still with us and even better that they are still riding. and even bettererer that they are members on here!

edit. what i mean is we can create historical programmes and interview the actual people involved, not their decendants or historians whe piece bits and bobs together.

i got the same sense of wonder with the surf film Riding Giants and the skate film DOg Town and the Z Boys, both similar in some ways to klunkerz and worth watching even if you are not into those particular subject. all 3 films are in my mind important historical documents and i am so pleased they exist.

i think i am waffling but this is a point i have tried to make before but never seem to get it across right.
Harryburgundy":tkqk3g2i said:
The presenter has a retrobike T on...someone here??????

So must have visited the site? Some of it was very interesting. Some of it very boring :roll: