BB size 94 M500


Marin Fan
Does anyone know this out of the top of their head?
Couldn't instantly find it on the interweb, is it 114'ish?
It's a Cannondale, I'll just chuck in a 122 I still have here.
Going to sell the frame which makes it their problem again. :cool:

thanks lads.
Yes, IF it’s a Cannondale.
So name how many brands building French Thread BB MTBs...?

French threads had basically vanished by 1990, so what exactly is the chance of an MTB frame turning up needing such a BB type? Vanishingly small.
By 1990 the French had admitted defeat in bb thread standard it's true
But surely we can depend on the Italians?
I'm sure we had a 1988 pinarello mtb with Italian threaded bb shell