Barrel adjuster spring


Dirt Disciple
Hi All,

Not really a retro question but...

I foolishly decided to fit my Avid Rollamajig on the grass and have lost the spring out of he rear mech barrel adjuster, everything seems OK so I'm just wondering if I should stress too much or just replace it in due course?

Don't worry about it. It will work fine without. If you find a place to get replacements, please let us know. I assembled a bike for my dad this summer and lost the very same spring on the floor of the garage. It would be nice to replace it.

Cheers, T..

you will survive without it but if it is nagging you then i will send you one for cost of post ;)

or buy a metal detector before cutting the grass next :LOL:

In years to come there will be threads on retrobike type websites about "look what I just found under the fridge" and "found this in the garden". I expect a whole host of Ringle, NOS Shimano, and a plethora of Pauls components bits and bobs to enter circulation on ebay
Hi Mark,

Went for a ride at the weekend and had a few slips on the chain, not sure if it's related but I may as well go for the spring if you still have one.

How do I get the money to you?
Sat AM - Marc's spring arrives in post

Sat PM - Original found under a plant pot


Russ77 - Are you still after one, I can send Marc's one on to you?
"In years to come there will be threads on retrobike type websites about... "found this in the garden".

word of warning - if you find a tin burried in the garden, then its probably not a secret stash of barrel adjsuter springs, its probably just "Nibbles."

word of warning to previous residents of my house - the contents of sealed tins only degrade very slowly...perhaps a box would be better in future..?

PS (nibbles is now safe under the roses...)