That's true, but when she was in charge, we were only in the EEC.tintin40":278fuyo1 said:JohnH":278fuyo1 said:Correct.tintin40":278fuyo1 said:E.U rules forbid any country from supporting companies like that. Competition rules. If a gov pumps money into a lose making industry then that is classed as unfair competition to the rest of the E.U members.
Edward Heath.tintin40":278fuyo1 said:Who took the GB in to E.U?
Wanna know who opposed it?
Margaret Thatcher.
She didn't take GB out once she was in charge.
This 'trade federation' didn't transform into the undemocratic, corrupt, dictatorial monster that is the European Union until 1992. John "Pro-Europe" Major tried to nudge us toward further European integration by joining the Exchange Rate mechanism, which ultimately tore our currency and his own party apart.
But once Tony Bliar was elected, he took us further into the EU, by adopting the entire social chapter of the EU constitution into British law and selling our gold to buy Euros as a reserve currency.
Here he is, showing his contempt for brutal dictators...