Bar ends - yes or no?

is the question as to whether a retro build should have bar ends? ( I think Saracens of that era had them)

or will you benefit from having bar ends when cycling? only one way to find that out - fit some and ride :)

as an aside, when I first got a bike with bar ends, I went and fitted all other bikes with them but in the last year or so, have reverted to no bar ends.
chaser":1gzwegqo said:
For me this question is simple...

Riser bars = NO BAR ENDS!

Flat bars = YES, bar ends.

Otherwise you will get pulled over by thje style police ;)


You've said 'for me' and then 'otherwise you' in the same mantra, might be something out of plonk there.

Ths style police are funny mob, they wont have bar ends with risers but will happily photograph thier latest stead plonked on some ill-fitting fake wooden flooring. Pays piper...nuff said.
konatime":20fio8sj said:
The style police are funny mob, they wont have bar ends with risers but will happily photograph thier latest stead plonked on some ill-fitting fake wooden flooring. Pays piper...nuff said.

This made I larf to the point of a beer/screen momment..were's the wet wipes ffs :LOL:

But O how so true

My marin is 18 years old, now being converted to a tourer, yes with a raised stem, riser bars and ends..I have no doubt it will be around for another 18 years..being ridden and not as an ornament
Sorry - been away for a few days.
Yes, interested in the bar ends - what are you after?
Got some flat bars, couple of seatposts, some LX V brakes, some pedals.......

Pm me for more details.
azaro":1ar2ux4a said:
Where did you get the answer quill-fitting bar ends?

Got them off here mate. Seen a few pairs turn up here and on ebay recently. ;) They do not look like the quill ones pictured but guess they do the same job. Best option if you don't want to loose width imo.
On the whether to or not I'd say always on flat bar never on a riser.

Also have to say that oranges looks great mate, RC30's my my favourite.