Bar ends yay or nay?

A lot of grips came closed- ended, the manufacturer expected you to tap round the end of the bar to cut a perfect hole in the grip if you wanted to slide it on further.
Of course once you've done that you're committed.
Weird I never thought to do that, I just always bought open ended grips because I wanted to use them with bar ends.

Just had a mad thought, did any of you ever fit grips on your bar ends ?
I considered it but never tried it because I only ever use the bar ends when climbing and didn't really need the extra cushioning and given how beat up the outsides of my bar ends get the grips would soon have been knackered.
I got into MTB in probably mid 90s when they were just becoming all the rage.

I see in the intervening quarter century they are now shunned.

Is there any practical reason for either their use or descent from popularity?

In other words did they have any practical benefit even when they were trendy and/or is there any valid reason not to use them now?

For reference my bike I want to make it a hill climbing specialist. I have read bar ends are specifically good for this, that was the original idea I remember too. Is there anything to that or was it just hype? I seem to recall them helping somewhat to pull up hills but was no expert and may have just been the cool factor that made me feel like they were working.

Are the benefits negligible or worth adding? I see they are still used on modern touring bikes so some people must find them of some use?
I love bar ends - particularly the longer ones - and feel they have two benefits. 1. leverage while climbing which was important with 7 speed and 28 tooth grannies, and 2. extra hand positions for long XC rides or bike touring. I think they fell out of favour because of the move to riser bars - they looked dumb on riser bars. I think later risers also had more back bend as well so they no longer sat in the correct orientation.

I still use them on occasion, but my flexibility sucks so I do prefer a riser bar now and am less likely to mount them with risers.
yep, bar ends and risers are not happy bed fellows - minus a zillion style points ;)

I like to wrap some spare roadie bar tape on mine