BALTIC BAWBAGS - 9th February 2013

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Was hoping to bring the Bravado but may be cutting it fine for getting it done and tested, may revert to my trusty Clockwork.

Will be there on something anyway, even if it's the Chopper.
Looking good so far

Looks good ZZ, it does look too nice to get filthy :D
Gmacs on the other hand needs a wash :wink: Good to see someone out getting filthy.

Think its the Wicked you're thinking of, but that was two years ago. Last year it was the shonkjumper. Time flies...
looking for a favour from fellow fifers for this.

car got a prob with a/c blowers and first sat perth audi can take it is the 9th.

gonna take the car up but hoping i could get a lift for me and RTS from Perth to Dunkeld and back again.

only prob is i need to be there fore half 8 and back afore half 5.
Could someone collate a who's coming list, still ridiculously busy with the hoose move.

Keith - back before half five should be fine, we are usually fed and watered by then. I can't offer yet but I am a possibility. You could ride along to Tiso and sit in the cafe (good bacon rolls) until someone can collect you. Take a lock though.
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