Badger botherer


Kona Fan
So I have been dubbed by a colleague... I got taken out by a badger!!!

I was hammering along the very last 50 metres of my local loop the other night, out of nowhere a fair sized grey blur jumped out on me from the hedge on the right. I felt it hit my foot and I must've gone from 20mph+ to a heap on the floor in 2 metres!

According to my mate who was behind me, it got up, looked at me and ran off. It was definitely a solid little f***er as it bent my chainring!

It just-so happened to be the same day i saw the antelope video on youtube.

Anybody else had any badger related incidents??
I squidged one once on the A55 in North wales about 6 years ago with my truck, little buggers are rock solid and made a right mess of the bumper! I won though as by the time i'd managed to stop the badger was about a 100 metres longer :twisted:
Don't ask any of us in the East midlands about badgers (and other assorted wildlife) - we've been assaulted by it all - badgers, foxes (see my sig), owls, deer, weasels, rabbits, hares (and maybe even a Jaguar - we kid you not)!! :shock: :LOL: We could tell stories for hours...

We ride every Tuesday night throughout the year in the countryside so it's inevitable really.
My mate Sweaty Dave hit a badger once. Hacking down a fire road at speed when the stripy assailant dashed across in front, sending Sweaty Dave flying over the bars. Badger was fine and trotted off into the undergrowth - Dave was pretty shaken up with loads of cuts and grazes. The next day, he had a phone call from an" RSPCA officer", claiming the badger had died and asking for a contribution towards funeral expenses. Good ol' Dave was all up for making a donation before he realised it was another mate winding him up! :LOL: :LOL: :LOL:


There's a pic of me and Charley Badger :)
FSR-Si":30jc6cxb said:
I squidged one once on the A55 in North wales about 6 years ago with my truck, little buggers are rock solid and made a right mess of the bumper! I won though as by the time i'd managed to stop the badger was about a 100 metres longer :twisted:

Congratulations, asshole.
Rod_Saetan":2k0qipqd said:
FSR-Si":2k0qipqd said:
I squidged one once on the A55 in North wales about 6 years ago with my truck, little buggers are rock solid and made a right mess of the bumper! I won though as by the time i'd managed to stop the badger was about a 100 metres longer :twisted:

Congratulations, asshole.

Yeah, I thought that was a bit harsh too :?
Move to the FoD , we have all of that plus deer and Wild Boar , those sods are really solid , tusks 'en all !