Away from the dark side.....


Old School Grand Master
In light of several posts either bemoaning the state of cycling today or "ripping the past a new one", I thought I might start a more jolly thread about GOOD stuff from the past.

I think I've been fairly lucky with my stuff on the whole and had some seriously great kit.

For me, the items that stand out are a pair of 1989 xt pedals and an m730 xt crank. Both came new on my team main and both are still on it and being used today.....

Im not sure how much more you can ask for out of a 35 year ago purchase....

Oh and obviously lots of love to the team marin too, which was for the first 17 years of its life my only know....when we only had one! 🤣


After the apocalypse, centuries following civilizational collapse, long after the last car burns through the final drops of petrol there will be steel framed 90s MTBs wearing DX groups carrying men with ideas and dreams around the wastelands, providing the spark necessary for mankind to rise up once more from the ashes.

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