Avid Tri-Align Brake Boss Sleeves --- Where Can I get em??


Old School Hero
Never thought about it until now. I needs some sleeves. Are there any sources? :?

Thanks for advice!
I lost on of mine. Had one of my customers spin one up for me on his lathe (of course, I found the missing one 2 days after I installed the brakes). I'd imagine he still has the program on file. I could get a price on a dozen from him. He's leaving for Aruba tomorrow for a week, so it would be a couple of weeks till any product was in hand*.

*setting up/proofing a small run of parts on a CNC lathe is not cheap.
If none turn up, that may be a worthy project. Wouldn't it have been nice if they just made them go on standard canti studs?... That's it. Tri Aligns just made the crap thread! lol :p
Paul uses sleeves for his brakes too. It is actually a good idea. The arms run on pivots that the diameter is under the control of the manufacturer, instead of relying on a hundred different manufacturer's studs, and their idea of quality control/tollerances.