Aviation fans! A nice F-16 video

Just sent an email with the VC10 to a friend who is a airline pilot, we were watching some planes taking off last week and we "complained" about the lack of noise on the new generation, ok we know why, but we still feel the older days were greater in this terms. ;D

nice swiss video! what a scenery;D

I was browsing some of my fav and got this


the fun part is the amount of objects that show up every time he does a maneuver.

And a little biased video :

Lisbon landing :

FOD is only FOD if it becomes a problem otherwise it is inert and aircraft are full of it, potential flying disaster areas and something we used to joke about with pilots like, no way do we want to go airborn with that piece of junk with what we know when they offered us air experience flights just to make us vomit with their skills.

But think about all those fizzy drinks one drinks going on holiday, what over active fizzy drinks fall on the floor and soak through the carpet to attack the aluminium air frame. Wheres the galley on most aircraft, over the main spar ? Sure commercial aviation checks stuff like that commercial aircraft have a finite lifespan, but I have seen seriously eroded main spars situated where the galley would be on foreign originating aircraft, the aircraft in question was BER (beyond economic repair) and used for target practice.

But there were a few banana shaped aircraft, too much G bends them but boys will be boys and they have to fly in them with avionics that don't match up, mind most flew by the seat of their pants and ignored the avionics anyway particularly the terrain following radar.

Ah the Viggen with it's canard wings, Saab are highly under rated in terms of aircraft design and perfect for landing on Swedish roads which just happen to be raised off the ground. You see they have thought about it, us, well no harriers now what are British aircraft going to land on when air fields are compromised. Damned politicians they know nothing.
But I worked on these things for a bit ;


Another beauty and with a lower radar signature than a Tornado.

Great aircraft... my neighbour used to fly in the back seat of one of those... ejected over a Scottish Loch in the late sixties when it got some serious tail oscillation event going on at 150ft... :shock:
Well that was a rude awakening, Armed Forces day apparently and a Typhoon pratting about over my house, so through bleary hang over eyes I watched it's antics before heading for the coffee. But a delta wing aircraft, the first since the Javelin and Vulcan, as delta was not really a British thing. But the Hawks are coming later I understand.
The sound of a Merlin out there now, Rolls Royce V16 goodness. It looks like a spitfire from the eliptical wings, but not sure, they don't look right, is a Kittyhawk, I can't see.

It was a Sea Fury.
Nice vid :) shows off the small wings needed LOL

Good to see the pilot raising the undercarriage while still on the ground and letting the microswitch do the rest :)

Midlife":2p9f9ae1 said:

My Uncle built the good old Buccaneer at Brough near Hull...... :D


Did he, excellent, it was a magnificent aircraft, but a pity it coming into service with the crabs for it replaced the TSR-2, a very advanced aircraft for it's time, reckoned years ahead of it's time and if it had entered service with NATO it would have been the most powerful aircraft;


Warning retro jet aircraft content.

Also I also did some work with the Canberra PR9, Jaguar, Harrier and the Gnat, remember them, the old 'Red arrow' Gnats, I remember the wings coming off one as it was crated to be sent to it's new owner, Roger Waters of Pink Floyd fame.