Attractive Seatpost Quick Release Replacement Solutions


Senior Retro Guru
I have a Ritchey Ultra with Tom's classic fastback seat stay design. The frame came sans seatpost quick release and the frame requires a relatively long quick release so none of the period correct ones I've picked up over the years fits. I managed to buy an aftermarket modern version, but it was crap - plasticy, weak and fugly. I'm currently running a bolt and nut, which does the job, but looks terrible too. Wondering if anyone else has had a similar situation and found a nice looking replacement solution. doesn't need to be quick release - it just needs to function and have a bit of that ooh ahhh factor.
Ok, here are some photos of the seat cluster. So from the tape it looks like I need at least 40mm clear on a QR with the nut and washers fastened. The too short DX QR in the first photo fits perfectly and is 5-6mm in diameter.


  • Quick release and tape.webp
    Quick release and tape.webp
    85.9 KB · Views: 18
  • Ultra seat clamp tape.webp
    Ultra seat clamp tape.webp
    44.2 KB · Views: 18
  • Ultra seat clamp.webp
    Ultra seat clamp.webp
    53.6 KB · Views: 18
Not the exact problem you’ve got but I found I could make a seatpost QR from an old wheel skewer. I wanted to reuse the Suntour one but it was too thick for the frame. This is from the thread I posted it in -
I found a bent and mangled Maillard wheel skewer in the drawer of doom and set to work - it was the only one that looked close without me sacrificing something shiny and complete.

Suntour thick’un at the top of the photoView attachment 678456

View attachment 678461

I wanted to retain the Suntour end as it’s branded as well as the lever so was crossing my fingers it would be similar when dismantled View attachment 678462

And it was!

View attachment 678463

I think I may have thought about adapting wheel skewers to seat skewers at some point as I already had the correct size die - I’ve seen it suggested that these threads should be rolled not cut but this is what I’ve got.

View attachment 678465

So I cut the new skewer to size and finished it in my Makita cordless lathe with a file - engineers look away now

View attachment 678466

Et voila

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The finished article, found an end that looked appropriate

View attachment 678468

On the bike

View attachment 678470

And I’ve ended up with enough bits to make the Maillard in to a thick seat skewer, reckon I’ll eBay it for PayPal tokens!

View attachment 678469

However, one door opened and another closed, I found now that I can clamp it, the new bike needs a 26.8mm seatpost not a 26.6mm! Thought this was going to be a quick swap.
Just wanted to give props to Retro-Roy for hooking me up with a NOS QR for my seat post. Thanks again Roy - the QR works great. It was great meeting you and I hope I can get out with you and the other locals for a retro ride with my scabby Cinder Cone or maybe the Ritchey when its "finished" (i.e., rideable).
you are welcome. glad i could help. and as i said, hit me up any time if looking for something.
if i can't help maybe one of the crew can help you.

nice meeting you as well and hope you can get out for a
ride with the the local crew one day.

try and make the swap meet in may as well. lots of good stuff to be had.