At last, one in the right size!! (Zaskar content, pic heavy)

Who cares about the real reason behind the LE branding as long as it's special to you then that's the important thing isn't it as it's like me and my Courier as it's not the exact one that i had bitd and regreted swapping 12 days later :facepalm: but it is the one i i would of liked but couldn't afford at the time i bought my Explorer ..
Wa...wa..waaaaaattttt! of course it's important, it's probably the most important thing there has ever been!!!
Your not bike nerding it if you don't know or want to know the difference.
Hillary vs Trump, brexit or not, pah! To LE or not to LE, that is the question.
Now go stick an LE sticker on it and the cool factor will go up 0.00064%

Silver stem, post and cranks and the blue bars! That would look super rad.
Some silver xt cantis or parallel push v brakes would look awesome too.

Am going round in circles but think have decided on the blue bars. Probably.

However.....major disaster here this afternoon, cleaned out the seat tube as thoroughly as possible, and then was going all round it with the bore gauge. Anyway, general consensus seemed to be mostly 27mm dead, or possibly even a tad under! When, all of a sudden......

.......decided to check just once more, bore gauge sprung open, one end going very neatly straight into the breather hole from the top tube into the seat tube.

:evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil:

This is how I lost my last bore gauge 20 years ago, and thinking about it now, the exact reason why I swore to myself to never use one ever again! And yes, I tried all the clever tricks in the book, including some I don't think anyone else would have thought of, but end result: it suddenly broke, the spring bit falling into the bottom of the seat tube where it's now stuck in the general oil and WD40 (there isn't an opening through to the BB shell oddly) and one half of the T piece is now happily rattling around in the top tube, never to be released ever again. There's no way of getting it out.

I accept I will have to just live with it, but think of all that extra weight.... :facepalm:

Cider. I need cider.
Brilliant :LOL: Gotta be worth more now though if it comes with a free bore gauge!

There you go . . .

Take it easy though - the after-effects are not pretty :oops:

Half a free bore gauge..... :LOL: :LOL:

Thanks Lynne, I'm trying the Thatchers equivalent of that, I did think of trying to clean out the seat tube with it to get the spring out at least, but that seemed a waste of good cider when it could be cleaning out my gullet instead......
How can the same thing happen to the same girl twice eh! :facepalm: ..

Well at least you know any wrattling sounds will be from the parts and not you when you ride it :LOL: but honestly these bore gauges must designed to self destruct in use as i'm assuming you didn't buy the exact same make this time as you had originally or did you ? :roll: ..

Ha, just what I was thinking! Bugger using it for retrieving things out of seat tubes, I could have all sorts of fun elsewhere with that....... :LOL:

Ian, the bore gauges are things my Dad has given me, probably picked up cheap from car boot sales, 'in case they come in handy'. I may try and encourage him to leave it another 20 years before he buys me another one........ :facepalm:

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