At last, one in the right size!! (Zaskar content, pic heavy)

The distinct difference in decal styles interests me - between the black/white (which have decals much more akin to the standard blue/yellow ones I have on mine) and the ones on the OP's bike that have a very different letter styling (as well as being red).

The more I think about it the more interesting I find this frame. :)
Pardon my ignorance, but what's the difference between the standard and the LE? I've seen a couple of different posts about it, but neither made much sense (to me).
There wasnt any differences in the Zaskar frames until about 97 when materials and finish made the LE frames a different beast

I always thought it was just the level of kit on the same frame, ie, XT or XTR? According to Bikepedia anway :LOL:

Yep, this baby is a '97, can't remember the serial number off hand but it points to June 1997. I think it must have been a colour for the European market?
I cant remember exactly when without looking at the catalogs but the LE got machined integrated seatclamp and other weight saving stuff.

The earlier ones were supposedly 'light edition' with XTR/ MAG21 SL and other such fanciness- or I've just made that up?

What buggers that theory up though is my own 93 model is an LE but with M730 XT, bought like that brrrrand new from Mike's Bikes, Cambridge (sadly no longer trading)
Re: Re:

LikeClockwork":33w9ufg5 said:
Yep, this baby is a '97, can't remember the serial number off hand but it points to June 1997.


From my ad :cool:
As I understand it the difference between the Zaskar and the Zaskar LE was purely based on the kit they were delivered with (plenty of people have taken great pains to point that out to me about mine! :D) Although I think when I bought mine it was only available as a bare frame (back in '96). I can't remember now if that was because I could only just scrape together enough cash for the frame or if it was just shipped like that.

Might have been there was a difference in later model though.