Association of Bad Cyclists


Retrobike Rider
Gold Trader
rBotM Winner
Out riding today I had plenty of time to think and I realised that despite my keen interest in cycling, and even getting out and riding on a frequent basis, I'm actually a Bad Cyclist. This made my heart feel a little sad, but only momentarily, because I soon knew that I'm not alone, indeed there are thousands of Bad Cyclists out there.

Don't get me wrong, Bad Cycling has nothing to do with ability and especially nothing to do with interest (I would say passion but that sounds, well, a bit crap). It's just knowing that, deep down, you're really not the cyclist in reality that you wish you were in your dreams.

Now there's no clubhouse for the Bad Cyclists, no manifesto, subscription fees or rules. Just the quiet satisfaction that it isn't just you riding into a metaphorical headwind on soft tyres. You'll never really know who the other proponents of Bad Cycling are but, like in 'Fight Club', you'll sometimes come across a knowing look or tilt of the head as you go about your day. Want to get involved? It's as easy as ABC.

But how do you know if you are a Bad Cyclist? It takes a certain amount of self-awareness, enlightenment even, and if you think it doesn't apply to you then it almost certainly does. But it is nothing to be ashamed of, quite the opposite. Embrace your Bad Cycling, you'll be relieved at home good it feels.

My name is Ed. I am a Bad Cyclist.

Anyone else want to come out?

I'll reserve judgement for the mo as I think I might well be worse than 'bad' :( :cool: or should that be better than bad?
I'm a nightmare of a cyclist. Comes from living in London :evil:
My name is also Edd, and I am also a bad cyclist.

Sure I was better when I was younger. If I tried harder and rode more I could leave the club but deep down I know this wont happen. Maybe that's why I spend so much time tinkering with old bikes. :oops:
I think..... I think I'm a bad cyclist.

I don't fall off... I don't ever push myself hard enough to fall off.

I just enjoy pedalling from point A to point B... But if there's a big hill in the middle I might stop for a rest. Or get off and walk for a few yards.
I must qualify.

Mainly as my head thinks I'm still 21 but sadly my legs and lungs tell the truth and admit that I'm 44.

I can still pull my weight in city traffic though and get enraged when I'm held up by cars when I'm riding in town (downhill only)
I think my realisation came when I was quite young, joined a club when I was about 15 and at the age of 18 I was still getting whupped by 50 year old vets in the weekly 10 mile TTs. Unlike wine or cheese, I haven't improved with age. :(

Some people are born great athletes, some people have the dedication to become great athletes, other people wear the same clothes and hope for the best. :D
...sobs a little, yes I too am a bad cyclist. I have feigned interest in racing, competed and felt more like i was missing out on the scenery. I would much rather take a leisurely canter down a fire trail than attack it like John Tomac. I love bikes but not as a viable transport method, but more as a rolling artwork. My name is Mark and I am a BC.