Are Dekerfs really this good?

Agreed, nice but not particularly rare, like the later Brodie's which do turn up. A Dekerf road bike has turned up locally, now those are genuinely rare.
Oh I have to disagree - they’re pretty rare in any shape or size but bizarrely a few have cropped up recently on U.K. eBay.
FWIW my comment wasn't related to the quality of Dekerf, just the price they (used) to go for, which isn't Fat Chance, Mountain Goat or proper Klein money.
Good luck trying to get a deal with the guy. I gave up in the end. Arranged to collect from Edinburgh in January but then he changed his mind.

If you have a lot of patience you may succeed. Good luck.

Dekerf’s are great frames though and Chris really knows what he is doing…