Are bikes male or female ?

Definitely male - cantankerous, high maintenance, time consumimg but respond to female pampering!
I supose that being a mariner it is natural for all my bikes and cars to be termed she; as are ships.

Ships have been called she for time immemorial, and are often refered to in the feminine in serious publications such as Lloyds List etc.

The use of a feminine or masculine identifier is common in languages other than english, so it is not that strange.

My own preference is to refer to anything that I have an emotional attchment to as she, purely functional items that engender no passion remain it.

I never name things, they name themselves, my BMW 320i was A941OKR and was always called Ocker. Another car was P356JEC, hence Jeck. But mostly things remain nameless in our household.
M or F?

le vélo, un vélo in French = Masculine.

Sorry to the guys that don't like riding a masculine thing. :)
Re: M or F?

waterman":3hhs969h said:
le vélo, un vélo in French = Masuline.

Sorry to the guys that don't like riding a masuline thing. :)

Always thought the French were suspect. ;)

(Runs and hides for cover... :LOL: )