Applying Factory Decals - Help Please


Senior Retro Guru
Chaps - I have a set of factory decals for my GT STS and need a bit of advice.

I remove the decal from the backing and apply to the frame. Rub down well then try to ease the thin film from the face of the decal. It is a swine to remove..lifting the decal itself from the frame.

Are there any practical steps to do this properly, the frame is clean and free of oil.... Im guessing there might be some awesome trick to doing this right!???
Did you buy them off Felizno (sp?) on ebay?

If so, I brought a set for my 1990 Zaskar from him when Gil was really busy. They were supposed to be NOS, but NOS decals arent that great :roll: They seemed to have dried out and were very brittle. Every time I tried to peel the film off they just lifted :x

I got them on eventually, but a lot of the edges were broken up.

I'd say the best way to do it would be buy some off Gil :LOL:
This applies to the decals with a tape on top of them after application....
before you try to remove the tape which is on top of the decal after it is applied to the frame, wet it. It will peel away from the decal much easier.
Hope this helps.