Anyone remember Suspenders suspension forks?


Dirt Disciple
I remember seeing these at Mamouth Kamikaze about the same time Bradbury was shouting about Manitous. They were upside down suspension forks, looked prototype but then so did most forks at that point. Think they were a bluish colour if that helps. Anyone remember?
Jez had a set here, rode them around Cannock on a Trimble too :)

Big, heavy, but did seem to work (a bit)
had a set on my trimble as well (seemed to be a popular combination for some reason). didn't really work that great - were laterally flexy & the elastomers age hardened rather quickly, leaving minimal travel. the disc brake worked pretty well though (for the time).


migrated to my cruiser (since been removed):

they look awesome on the cruiser.

i'm sure the first time i saw them was in mbuk on a san andreas
"Stylin it up"

Note both wheels on ground and pitiful gurning expression trying to breathe.

The fork was ok. It wobbled about a lot and weighed a tonne. Lots of play in it and the disk was pretty useless despite weighing twice the bikes overall weight.

Still - an ace talking point. Took it into a few bike shops and peoples jaws dropped at the "size of that thing".

I then zipped it back up and showed them the Suspenders disk.

Couple of scans for you

The height of fashion in 1990 :)


  • Suspenders ~ Forksa.jpg
    Suspenders ~ Forksa.jpg
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  • Suspenders ~ Forks1a.jpg
    Suspenders ~ Forks1a.jpg
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Indeed sex on a stick. ..
and that cruiser. . .

Was on the lookout for some a while back. But we're having trouble finding elastomers for manitou 1 and 2, so how hard is it going to be to find spared for some of there! :cry:

oh, and that proto yeti. . . is that ne of the ones stolen from Anaheim?